Please Select a Nearby Airport or Weather StationHere is a list of the nearby weather stations showing what historical data we have available for them. The available report types are color coded like so:
Luxembourg Findel Airport, Luxembourg
46°F, mostly cloudy, light rain @ 5:20 PM (24 min ago)
Saint-Hubert Air Base, Wallonia, Belgium
38 mi northwest, 1949 - 2002
Metz-Frescaty, Grand Est, France
47 mi south, 1936 - 2012
Buechel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
45°F @ 5:20 PM (24 min ago)
Elsenborn-Butgenbach Air Base, Wallonia, Belgium
41°F, overcast, light rain @ 5:25 PM (19 min ago)
Spa-La Sauvenière Airport, Wallonia, Belgium
52 mi north, 1950 - 2006
Idar-Oberstein, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
52 mi east, 1973 - 2017
Metz-Nancy-Lorraine Airport, Grand Est, France
50°F, ceiling and visibility ok @ 5:30 PM (14 min ago)
METAR ReportsAirport weather stations throughout the world routinely issue METAR weather reports . Such reports are used by pilots, air traffic controllers, meteorologists, climatologists, and other researchers. They are published via radio transmission and on the internet. We have been collecting and archiving published METAR reports since 2011, and have found third-party sources for archived reports from years prior to that. ISD ReportsThe Integrated Surface Database (ISD), maintained and published by NOAA's National Center for Environmental Information , consists of hourly and synoptic weather reports from a variety of sources. We use ISD data to complement and backfill for our METAR archive. |