Fall 2006 Weather History at Bastia-Poretta France

This report shows the past weather for Bastia-Poretta, providing a weather history for the fall of 2006. It features all historical weather data series we have available, including the Bastia-Poretta temperature history for the fall of 2006. You can drill down from year to month and even day level reports by clicking on the graphs.

Bastia-Poretta Temperature History in the Fall of 2006

Temperature history in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov30°F30°F40°F40°F50°F50°F60°F60°F70°F70°F80°F80°F90°F90°FSummerWinter
The daily range of reported temperatures (gray bars) and 24-hour highs (red ticks) and lows (blue ticks), placed over the daily average high (faint red line) and low (faint blue line) temperature, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands.

Hourly Temperature in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta

Hourly Temperature in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov12 AM12 AM3 AM3 AM6 AM6 AM9 AM9 AM12 PM12 PM3 PM3 PM6 PM6 PM9 PM9 PM12 AM12 AMSummerWintercoolcoldwarmcomfortable
frigid 15°F freezing 32°F very cold 45°F cold 55°F cool 65°F comfortable 75°F warm 85°F hot 95°F sweltering
The hourly reported temperature, color coded into bands. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight.
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Cloud Cover in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta

Cloud Cover in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov12 AM12 AM3 AM3 AM6 AM6 AM9 AM9 AM12 PM12 PM3 PM3 PM6 PM6 PM9 PM9 PM12 AM12 AMSummerWinter
0% clear 20% mostly clear 40% partly cloudy 60% mostly cloudy 80% overcast 100%
no significant cloudno cloud detectedceiling and visibility ok
The hourly reported cloud coverage, categorized by the percentage of the sky covered by clouds.

Observed Weather in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta

Observed Weather in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov12 AM12 AM3 AM3 AM6 AM6 AM9 AM9 AM12 PM12 PM3 PM3 PM6 PM6 PM9 PM9 PM12 AM12 AMSummerWinter
foghazedrizzlelight rainmoderate rainheavy rainfreezing rainsleetsnow grainslight snowmoderate snowheavy snowhailthunderstorm
The hourly observed weather, color coded by category (in order of severity). If multiple reports are present, the most severe code is shown.
Tue, Sep 5 Shallow FogMIFG
Wed, Sep 6 Shallow FogMIFG
Thu, Sep 14 Recent Thunderstorm, Thunderstorm in the Vicinity, Thunderstorm with Light Rain, Thunderstorm with Rain, Heavy Rain, Showers of Heavy Rain, Rain, Recent Showers of Rain, Showers of Rain, Light Rain, Showers of Light Rain, Fog, MistRETS, VCTS, -TSRA, TSRA, +RA, +SHRA, RA, RESHRA, SHRA, -RA, -SHRA, FG, BR
Fri, Sep 15 Recent Rain, Light RainRERA, -RA
Sat, Sep 16 Recent Thunderstorm, Thunderstorm, Thunderstorm with Light Rain, Recent Rain, Light Rain, Showers of Light RainRETS, TS, -TSRA, RERA, -RA, -SHRA
Sun, Sep 17 Recent Rain, Light RainRERA, -RA
Mon, Sep 18 Recent Thunderstorm, ThunderstormRETS, TS
Tue, Sep 19 Shallow FogMIFG
Mon, Sep 25 Recent Thunderstorm, Thunderstorm with Light Rain, Thunderstorm with Rain, Recent Rain, Light Rain, Showers of Light Rain, MistRETS, -TSRA, TSRA, RERA, -RA, -SHRA, BR
Tue, Sep 26 Showers of Light Rain-SHRA
Sun, Oct 1 Mist, Shallow FogBR, MIFG
Mon, Oct 2 Mist, Shallow FogBR, MIFG
Tue, Oct 3 MistBR
Thu, Oct 5 Recent Thunderstorm, Thunderstorm, Thunderstorm with Light Rain, Showers of Light RainRETS, TS, -TSRA, -SHRA
Thu, Oct 12 MistBR
Fri, Oct 13 MistBR
Thu, Oct 19 Rain, Recent Rain, Light Rain, MistRA, RERA, -RA, BR
Fri, Oct 20 Recent Rain, Light RainRERA, -RA
Sat, Oct 21 Light Rain-RA
Sun, Oct 22 MistBR
Mon, Oct 23 Shallow FogMIFG
Thu, Oct 26 MistBR
Fri, Oct 27 FogFG
Sat, Oct 28 Fog, Shallow FogFG, MIFG
Mon, Oct 30 Shallow FogMIFG
Thu, Nov 2 Light Rain, Showers of Light Rain-RA, -SHRA
Thu, Nov 16 Light Rain, Showers of Light Rain, Fog, Shallow Fog-RA, -SHRA, FG, MIFG
Sat, Nov 18 Showers of Light Rain-SHRA
Tue, Nov 21 Light Rain-RA
Tue, Nov 28 Mist, Shallow FogBR, MIFG

Hours of Daylight and Twilight in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta

Hours of Daylight and Twilight in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov0 hr24 hr4 hr20 hr8 hr16 hr12 hr12 hr16 hr8 hr20 hr4 hr24 hr0 hrSummerWinterSep 2312 hr, 11 minSep 2312 hr, 11 minnightnightdaydayNov 309 hr, 19 minNov 309 hr, 19 min
The number of hours during which the Sun is visible (black line). From bottom (most yellow) to top (most gray), the color bands indicate: full daylight, twilight (civil, nautical, and astronomical), and full night.

Sunrise & Sunset with Twilight and Daylight Saving Time in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta

Sunrise & Sunset with Twilight and Daylight Saving Time in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov2 AM2 AM4 AM4 AM6 AM6 AM8 AM8 AM10 AM10 AM12 PM12 PM2 PM2 PM4 PM4 PM6 PM6 PM8 PM8 PM10 PM10 PM12 AM12 AMSummerWinter6:46 AM6:46 AMSep 17:56 PMSep 17:56 PM7:30 AM7:30 AMNov 304:50 PMNov 304:50 PM7:50 AM7:50 AMOct 286:20 PMOct 286:20 PM7:07 AM7:07 AMSep 217:21 PMSep 217:21 PMDSTOct 29DSTOct 29
The solar day over the course of the Fall of 2006. From bottom to top, the black lines are the previous solar midnight, sunrise, solar noon, sunset, and the next solar midnight. The day, twilights (civil, nautical, and astronomical), and night are indicated by the color bands from yellow to gray. The transitions to and from daylight saving time are indicated by the 'DST' labels.

Solar Elevation and Azimuth in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta

Solar Elevation and Azimuth in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov12 AM12 AM2 AM2 AM4 AM4 AM6 AM6 AM8 AM8 AM10 AM10 AM12 PM12 PM2 PM2 PM4 PM4 PM6 PM6 PM8 PM8 PM10 PM10 PM12 AM12 AMSummerWinter0020203050600010103040
Solar elevation and azimuth in the the fall of 2006. The black lines are lines of constant solar elevation (the angle of the sun above the horizon, in degrees). The background color fills indicate the azimuth (the compass bearing) of the sun. The lightly tinted areas at the boundaries of the cardinal compass points indicate the implied intermediate directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest).

Moon Rise, Set & Phases in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta

Moon Rise, Set & Phases in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov12 AM12 AM4 AM4 AM8 AM8 AM12 PM12 PM4 PM4 PM8 PM8 PM12 AM12 AMSummerWinterAug 912:54 PMAug 912:54 PMAug 239:10 PMAug 239:10 PMSep 78:43 PMSep 78:43 PMSep 221:46 PMSep 221:46 PMOct 75:13 AMOct 75:13 AMOct 227:15 AMOct 227:15 AMNov 51:59 PMNov 51:59 PMNov 2011:19 PMNov 2011:19 PMDec 51:25 AMDec 51:25 AMDec 203:01 PMDec 203:01 PM8:22 PM8:22 PM5:55 AM5:55 AM8:17 PM8:17 PM7:45 PM7:45 PM7:31 AM7:31 AM6:57 AM6:57 AM7:17 PM7:17 PM6:31 PM6:31 PM7:40 AM7:40 AM7:55 AM7:55 AM6:20 PM6:20 PM6:56 AM6:56 AM4:16 PM4:16 PM3:58 PM3:58 PM8:22 AM8:22 AM8:01 AM8:01 AM4:23 PM4:23 PM
The time in which the moon is above the horizon (light blue area), with new moons (dark gray lines) and full moons (blue lines) indicated. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight.

Humidity Comfort Levels in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta

Humidity Comfort Levels in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov12 AM12 AM3 AM3 AM6 AM6 AM9 AM9 AM12 PM12 PM3 PM3 PM6 PM6 PM9 PM9 PM12 AM12 AMSummerWinter
dry 55°F comfortable 60°F humid 65°F muggy 70°F oppressive 75°F miserable
The hourly reported humidity comfort level, categorized by dew point. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight.

Wind Speed in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta

Wind Speed in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov0 mph0 mph10 mph10 mph20 mph20 mph30 mph30 mph40 mph40 mph50 mph50 mph60 mph60 mphSummerWinter
The daily range of reported wind speeds (gray bars), with maximum gust speeds (red ticks).

Hourly Wind Speed in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta

Hourly Wind Speed in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov12 AM12 AM3 AM3 AM6 AM6 AM9 AM9 AM12 PM12 PM3 PM3 PM6 PM6 PM9 PM9 PM12 AM12 AMSummerWinter
0 mph calm 1 mph light air 4 mph light breeze 8 mph gentle breeze 13 mph moderate breeze 18 mph fresh breeze 25 mph strong breeze 31 mph near gale 39 mph gale 47 mph strong gale 55 mph storm 64 mph violent storm 73 mph hurricane force
The hourly reported wind speed, color coded into bands according to the Beaufort scale. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight.

Hourly Wind Direction in 2006 at Bastia-Poretta

Hourly Wind Direction in 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov12 AM12 AM3 AM3 AM6 AM6 AM9 AM9 AM12 PM12 PM3 PM3 PM6 PM6 PM9 PM9 PM12 AM12 AMSummerWinter
The hourly reported wind direction, color coded by compass point. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight.

Atmospheric Pressure in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta

Atmospheric Pressure in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov29.2 inHg29.2 inHg29.4 inHg29.4 inHg29.6 inHg29.6 inHg29.8 inHg29.8 inHg30.0 inHg30.0 inHg30.2 inHg30.2 inHg30.4 inHg30.4 inHg30.6 inHg30.6 inHg30.8 inHg30.8 inHgSummerWinter
The daily range of atmospheric pressure (gray bars), as measured by the altimeter setting reported in e.g. a METAR report.

Number of Reports by Day in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta 2006

Number of Reports by Day in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov002020404060608080100100SummerWinter
The number of reports per day.

Reports by Hour in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-Poretta 2006

Reports by Hour in the Fall of 2006 at Bastia-PorettaSepOctNov12 AM12 AM3 AM3 AM6 AM6 AM9 AM9 AM12 PM12 PM3 PM3 PM6 PM6 PM9 PM9 PM12 AM12 AMSummerWinter
Indication of what types of reports were recorded during each hour.

This report graphically illustrates the historical weather reports recorded by the weather station at Bastia-Poretta in the fall of 2006.

METAR Reports

Airport weather stations throughout the world routinely issue METAR weather reports . Such reports are used by pilots, air traffic controllers, meteorologists, climatologists, and other researchers. They are published via radio transmission and on the internet. We have been collecting and archiving published METAR reports since 2011, and have found third-party sources for archived reports from years prior to that.

ISD Reports

The Integrated Surface Database (ISD), maintained and published by NOAA's National Center for Environmental Information , consists of hourly and synoptic weather reports from a variety of sources. We use ISD data to complement and backfill for our METAR archive.

Other Data

The sources for the averages shown in the daily temperature chart are discussed in greater detail on this station's Averages Report.

All data relating to the Sun's position (e.g., sunrise and sunset) are computed using astronomical formulas from the book, Astronomical Algorithms 2nd Edition , by Jean Meeus.

Names, locations, and time zones of places and some airports come from the GeoNames Geographical Database .

Time zones for airports and weather stations are provided by AskGeo.com .

Maps are © OpenStreetMap contributors.


The information on this site is provided as is, without any assurances as to its accuracy or suitability for any purpose. Weather data is prone to errors, outages, and other defects. We assume no responsibility for any decisions made on the basis of the content presented on this site.

We draw particular cautious attention to our reliance on the MERRA-2 model-based reconstructions for a number of important data series. While having the tremendous advantages of temporal and spatial completeness, these reconstructions: (1) are based on computer models that may have model-based errors, (2) are coarsely sampled on a 50 km grid and are therefore unable to reconstruct the local variations of many microclimates, and (3) have particular difficulty with the weather in some coastal areas, especially small islands.

We further caution that our travel scores are only as good as the data that underpin them, that weather conditions at any given location and time are unpredictable and variable, and that the definition of the scores reflects a particular set of preferences that may not agree with those of any particular reader.

Please review our full terms contained on our Terms of Service page.