Temperature/High/Mean |
High Temperature
°F | Mean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Temperature/High/Percentile10th |
High Temperature
°F | 10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Temperature/High/Percentile25th |
High Temperature
°F | 25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Temperature/High/Percentile75th |
High Temperature
°F | 75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Temperature/High/Percentile90th |
High Temperature
°F | 90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Temperature/Low/Mean |
Low Temperature
°F | Mean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Temperature/Low/Percentile10th |
Low Temperature
°F | 10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Temperature/Low/Percentile25th |
Low Temperature
°F | 25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Temperature/Low/Percentile75th |
Low Temperature
°F | 75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Temperature/Low/Percentile90th |
Low Temperature
°F | 90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Temperature/Mean |
°F | Daily mean temperature |
PerceivedTemperature/High |
Perceived Temperature
°F | Mean daily low |
PerceivedTemperature/Low |
Perceived Temperature
°F | Mean daily high |
CloudCover/Clear |
Cloud Cover
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as clear (0% to 20%) |
CloudCover/MostlyClear |
Cloud Cover
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as mostly clear (20% to 40%) |
CloudCover/PartlyCloudy |
Cloud Cover
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as partly cloudy (40% to 60%) |
CloudCover/MostlyCloudy |
Cloud Cover
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as mostly cloudy (60% to 80%) |
CloudCover/Overcast |
Cloud Cover
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as overcast (80% to 100%) |
Precipitation/Total |
% | Percentage probability of precipitation during the day |
Precipitation/Rain |
% | Percentage probability of rain during the day |
Precipitation/Mixed |
% | Percentage probability of mixed rain and snow during the day |
Precipitation/Snow |
% | Percentage probability of snow during the day |
Precipitation/Quantity/Mean |
in | Mean daily quantity of precipitation |
Rainfall/Mean |
in | Mean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Rainfall/Percentile10th |
in | 10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Rainfall/Percentile25th |
in | 25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Rainfall/Percentile75th |
in | 75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Rainfall/Percentile90th |
in | 90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Snowfall/Mean |
in | Mean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Snowfall/Percentile10th |
in | 10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Snowfall/Percentile25th |
in | 25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Snowfall/Percentile75th |
in | 75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Snowfall/Percentile90th |
in | 90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Snowfall/LiquidEquivalent/Mean |
Liquid-Equivalent Snowfall
in | Mean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Snowfall/LiquidEquivalent/Percentile10th |
Liquid-Equivalent Snowfall
in | 10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Snowfall/LiquidEquivalent/Percentile25th |
Liquid-Equivalent Snowfall
in | 25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Snowfall/LiquidEquivalent/Percentile75th |
Liquid-Equivalent Snowfall
in | 75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Snowfall/LiquidEquivalent/Percentile90th |
Liquid-Equivalent Snowfall
in | 90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Sun/2025/PreviousSolarMidnight |
hr | Sun reaches its lowest elevation below the horizon during the previous night |
Sun/2025/AstronomicalRise |
hr | Sun rises above 18 deg below the horizon |
Sun/2025/NauticalRise |
hr | Sun rises above 12 deg below the horizon |
Sun/2025/CivilRise |
hr | Sun rises above 6 deg below the horizon |
Sun/2025/Rise |
hr | Sun rises above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Rise00 |
hr | Sun rises above 0 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Rise10 |
hr | Sun rises above 10 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Rise20 |
hr | Sun rises above 20 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Rise30 |
hr | Sun rises above 30 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Rise40 |
hr | Sun rises above 40 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Rise50 |
hr | Sun rises above 50 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Rise60 |
hr | Sun rises above 60 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Rise70 |
hr | Sun rises above 70 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Rise80 |
hr | Sun rises above 80 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Noon |
hr | Sun reaches its highest elevation above the horizon of the day |
Sun/2025/Set80 |
hr | Sun falls below 80 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Set70 |
hr | Sun falls below 70 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Set60 |
hr | Sun falls below 60 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Set50 |
hr | Sun falls below 50 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Set40 |
hr | Sun falls below 40 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Set30 |
hr | Sun falls below 30 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Set20 |
hr | Sun falls below 20 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Set10 |
hr | Sun falls below 10 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Set00 |
hr | Sun falls below 0 deg above the horizon |
Sun/2025/Set |
hr | Sun falls below the horizon |
Sun/2025/CivilSet |
hr | Sun falls below 6 deg below horizon |
Sun/2025/NauticalSet |
hr | Sun falls below 12 deg below horizon |
Sun/2025/AstronomicalSet |
hr | Sun falls below 18 deg below horizon |
Sun/2025/NextSolarMidnight |
hr | Sun reaches its lowest elevation below the horizon during the next night |
Daylight/2025/Day |
hr | Duration between sun rise and sun set |
Daylight/2025/CivilDay |
hr | Duration between civil rise and civil set |
Daylight/2025/NauticalDay |
hr | Duration between nautical rise and nautical set |
Daylight/2025/AstronomicalDay |
hr | Duration between astronomical rise and astronomical set |
Humidity/Dry |
Dew Point
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as dry (32°F to 55°F) |
Humidity/Comfortable |
Dew Point
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as comfortable (55°F to 60°F) |
Humidity/Humid |
Dew Point
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as humid (60°F to 65°F) |
Humidity/Muggy |
Dew Point
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as muggy (65°F to 70°F) |
Humidity/Oppressive |
Dew Point
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as oppressive (70°F to 75°F) |
Humidity/Miserable |
Dew Point
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as miserable (75°F to 32°F) |
Wind/Speed/Mean |
Wind Speed
mph | Mean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Wind/Speed/Percentile10th |
Wind Speed
mph | 10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Wind/Speed/Percentile25th |
Wind Speed
mph | 25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Wind/Speed/Percentile75th |
Wind Speed
mph | 75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Wind/Speed/Percentile90th |
Wind Speed
mph | 90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/Calm |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind calm |
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/N |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north (-45.0 deg to 45.0 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/E |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the east (45.0 deg to 135.0 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/S |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south (135.0 deg to 225.0 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/W |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the west (225.0 deg to 315.0 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/Calm |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind calm |
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/N |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north (-22.5 deg to 22.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/NE |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the northeast (22.5 deg to 67.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/E |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the east (67.5 deg to 112.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/SE |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the southeast (112.5 deg to 157.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/S |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south (157.5 deg to 202.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/SW |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the southwest (202.5 deg to 247.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/W |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the west (247.5 deg to 292.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/NW |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the northwest (292.5 deg to 337.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Display/Calm |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind calm |
Wind/Direction/Display/N8 |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north (-22.5 deg to 22.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Display/NE8PartOfN4 |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north east by north (22.5 deg to 45.0 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Display/NE8PartOfE4 |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north east by east (45.0 deg to 67.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Display/E8 |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the east (67.5 deg to 112.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Display/SE8PartOfE4 |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south east by east (112.5 deg to 135.0 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Display/SE8PartOfS4 |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south east by south (135.0 deg to 157.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Display/S8 |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south (157.5 deg to 202.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Display/SW8PartOfS4 |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south west by south (202.5 deg to 225.0 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Display/SW8PartOfW4 |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south west by west (225.0 deg to 247.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Display/W8 |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the west (247.5 deg to 292.5 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Display/NW8PartOfW4 |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north west by west (292.5 deg to 315.0 deg) |
Wind/Direction/Display/NW8PartOfN4 |
Wind Direction
% | Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north west by north (315.0 deg to 337.5 deg) |
WaterTemperature/Mean |
Water Temperature
°F | Mean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
WaterTemperature/Percentile10th |
Water Temperature
°F | 10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
WaterTemperature/Percentile25th |
Water Temperature
°F | 25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
WaterTemperature/Percentile75th |
Water Temperature
°F | 75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
WaterTemperature/Percentile90th |
Water Temperature
°F | 90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
BestTime/TemperatureTourismScore |
Tourism Score
| Tourism temperature score favoring perceived temperatures between 65°F and 80°F |
BestTime/TemperatureBeachScore |
Tourism Score
| Beach temperature score favoring perceived temperatures between 75°F and 90°F |
BestTime/CloudScore |
Tourism Score
| Tourism cloud score favoring clear days or mostly clear days |
BestTime/PrecipitationScore |
Tourism Score
| Tourism precipitation score favoring rainless days |
BestTime/TourismScore |
Tourism Score
| Composite tourism score |
BestTime/BeachScore |
Tourism Score
| Composite beach score |
GrowingSeasonProbability |
Growing Season
% | Probability that a given day will be within the growing season |
Temperature/Frigid |
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as frigid (less than 15°F) |
Temperature/Freezing |
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as freezing (15°F to 32°F) |
Temperature/Chilly |
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as very cold (32°F to 45°F) |
Temperature/Cold |
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as cold (45°F to 55°F) |
Temperature/Cool |
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as cool (55°F to 65°F) |
Temperature/Comfortable |
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as comfortable (65°F to 75°F) |
Temperature/Warm |
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as warm (75°F to 85°F) |
Temperature/Hot |
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as hot (85°F to 95°F) |
Temperature/Sweltering |
% | Percentage of the time spent categorized as sweltering (greater than 95°F) |
GrowingDegreeDays/Mean |
Growing Degree Days
°F | Mean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
GrowingDegreeDays/Percentile10th |
Growing Degree Days
°F | 10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
GrowingDegreeDays/Percentile25th |
Growing Degree Days
°F | 25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
GrowingDegreeDays/Percentile75th |
Growing Degree Days
°F | 75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
GrowingDegreeDays/Percentile90th |
Growing Degree Days
°F | 90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
SolarEnergy/Mean |
Solar Energy
kWh | Mean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
SolarEnergy/Percentile10th |
Solar Energy
kWh | 10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
SolarEnergy/Percentile25th |
Solar Energy
kWh | 25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
SolarEnergy/Percentile75th |
Solar Energy
kWh | 75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |
SolarEnergy/Percentile90th |
Solar Energy
kWh | 90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period |