Weather Data Download for Hengchun Airport Taiwan

We offer two related but separate data products: averages and history. The averages data are normals over the entire reporting period from 1980 to 2016. The history data are historical records from raw observations made at airports.

Above all, you should think of the data download feature as downloading data that you have already found and inspected on the web pages of the site. We do not have data that we are failing to show on those pages. There is a precise one-to-one mapping between what you find on our pages and what you will find in the CSV files you download. Do not assume that we 'must have' had a data field in order to compute something else that you see. For the history data, you should also not assume that because we have a certain type of data for one location, we must have it for another. You will only get what you see on the pages.

Enable download of averages data

Terribly sorry, but we do not have any history data available for the current location.


Averages Data

The averages pages & data are normals over the entire reporting period from 1980 to 2016. That is, a single statistical year is presented that represents the typical weather in that location at any point in the year. In order to use conventional date formatting in the CSV file, we have to pick a single year to represent the entire period, which we have chosen to be the current year, 2025.

To take an example, the averages page for Rome tells us that the average high temperature from 1980 to 2016 on August 5th is 88°F. These pages & data do not have averages for each historical day, month, or season. For example, there are no data fields for May of 2010, just an average over every May in the entire reporting period of 1980 to 2016.

The averages pages & data derive from a variety of data sources that you can read about in the Data Sources section of each page.

The data contained in the CSV files that you can download for our averages pages are exactly and only the data that you see in the charts on the corresponding averages pages. The averages are broken down into hourly, daily, and monthly averages, with a single record given for each hour, day, or month of the typical year. You can read the specific data fields available in the Averages Data Documentation section below.

We charge 100 credits for the download of all of the averages data for a single location.

History Data

The history pages & data are historical records from raw observations made at airports. These data are inconsistent and irregular, and should be reviewed on the corresponding pages before purchasing.

For example, here is the page for the weather data we have for the Rome Ciampino Airport for 2022. If you review that page or any of the season, month, or day pages linked to on that page, you will see that there are no records of the quantity of precipitation that fell at that airport. That is because that airport did not report liquid precipitation measurements in its aviation METAR reports, so we don't have access to such measurements. In contrast, if you go to the corresponding page for Minneapolis, you will see complete liquid precipitation records. It is fairly common for airports outside the United States to not report liquid precipitation measurements in their aviation METAR reports.

Please note that you should pick a specific airport that you wish to get data from rather than relying on the choice made by our site when picking a city location. Each airport reports data differently and you may find that a different airport than the one chosen by our servers better suits your needs. Once you have purchased access to the history data for a given airport, you can download each year for no additional charge by clicking on the year link shown. If a year link is missing, that is because we do not have any data for that year. And just because a year link is there, it does not mean we have a complete year of data. You will need to look at the corresponding history pages for that airport to see if we have the data that you are looking for.

History data is reported on a per-observation basis, and with a daily summary. The observations are typically made hourly, but they are sometimes made more often, sometimes less often, and sometimes with systematic gaps, such as when airports close for the night and no observations are recorded until they reopen in the morning.

You can read about the specific data fields that are included in the history CSV downloads in the History Data Documentation section below. As I mentioned above, please keep in mind that just because a data field is listed in the documentation, that does not mean it is available for a given observation or daily summary. Always look at the corresponding history page to see that the data is present.

We sell these raw historical records on a per-airport basis for 25 credits per location.

Sample Data

To help you evaluate the data download offering you can download sample data here:

Sample averages data

Sample history data for 2020

Sample history data for 2010-2019

Averages Data Documentation

Hourly Averages

Temperature/Mean Temperature °FMean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/Percentile10th Temperature °F10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/Percentile25th Temperature °F25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/Percentile75th Temperature °F75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/Percentile90th Temperature °F90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/Frigid Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as frigid (less than 15°F)
Temperature/Freezing Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as freezing (15°F to 32°F)
Temperature/Chilly Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as very cold (32°F to 45°F)
Temperature/Cold Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as cold (45°F to 55°F)
Temperature/Cool Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as cool (55°F to 65°F)
Temperature/Comfortable Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as comfortable (65°F to 75°F)
Temperature/Warm Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as warm (75°F to 85°F)
Temperature/Hot Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as hot (85°F to 95°F)
Temperature/Sweltering Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as sweltering (greater than 95°F)
CloudCover/Clear Cloud Cover %Percentage of the time spent categorized as clear (0% to 20%)
CloudCover/MostlyClear Cloud Cover %Percentage of the time spent categorized as mostly clear (20% to 40%)
CloudCover/PartlyCloudy Cloud Cover %Percentage of the time spent categorized as partly cloudy (40% to 60%)
CloudCover/MostlyCloudy Cloud Cover %Percentage of the time spent categorized as mostly cloudy (60% to 80%)
CloudCover/Overcast Cloud Cover %Percentage of the time spent categorized as overcast (80% to 100%)
Precipitation/Total Precipitation %Percentage probability of precipitation during the hour
Precipitation/Rain Precipitation %Percentage probability of rain during the hour
Precipitation/Mixed Precipitation %Percentage probability of mixed rain and snow during the hour
Precipitation/Snow Precipitation %Percentage probability of snow during the hour
Humidity/Dry Dew Point %Percentage of the time spent categorized as dry (less than 55°F)
Humidity/Comfortable Dew Point %Percentage of the time spent categorized as comfortable (55°F to 60°F)
Humidity/Humid Dew Point %Percentage of the time spent categorized as humid (60°F to 65°F)
Humidity/Muggy Dew Point %Percentage of the time spent categorized as muggy (65°F to 70°F)
Humidity/Oppressive Dew Point %Percentage of the time spent categorized as oppressive (70°F to 75°F)
Humidity/Miserable Dew Point %Percentage of the time spent categorized as miserable (greater than 75°F)
Wind/Speed/Mean Wind Speed mphMean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Wind/Speed/Percentile10th Wind Speed mph10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Wind/Speed/Percentile25th Wind Speed mph25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Wind/Speed/Percentile75th Wind Speed mph75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Wind/Speed/Percentile90th Wind Speed mph90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/Calm Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind calm
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/N Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north (-45.0 deg to 45.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/E Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the east (45.0 deg to 135.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/S Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south (135.0 deg to 225.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/W Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the west (225.0 deg to 315.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/Calm Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind calm
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/N Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north (-22.5 deg to 22.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/NE Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the northeast (22.5 deg to 67.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/E Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the east (67.5 deg to 112.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/SE Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the southeast (112.5 deg to 157.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/S Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south (157.5 deg to 202.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/SW Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the southwest (202.5 deg to 247.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/W Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the west (247.5 deg to 292.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/NW Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the northwest (292.5 deg to 337.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/Calm Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind calm
Wind/Direction/Display/N8 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north (-22.5 deg to 22.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/NE8PartOfN4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north east by north (22.5 deg to 45.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/NE8PartOfE4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north east by east (45.0 deg to 67.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/E8 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the east (67.5 deg to 112.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/SE8PartOfE4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south east by east (112.5 deg to 135.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/SE8PartOfS4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south east by south (135.0 deg to 157.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/S8 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south (157.5 deg to 202.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/SW8PartOfS4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south west by south (202.5 deg to 225.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/SW8PartOfW4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south west by west (225.0 deg to 247.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/W8 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the west (247.5 deg to 292.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/NW8PartOfW4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north west by west (292.5 deg to 315.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/NW8PartOfN4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north west by north (315.0 deg to 337.5 deg)
SolarPower/Mean Solar Energy kWMean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
SolarPower/Percentile10th Solar Energy kW10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
SolarPower/Percentile25th Solar Energy kW25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
SolarPower/Percentile75th Solar Energy kW75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
SolarPower/Percentile90th Solar Energy kW90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period

Daily Averages

Temperature/High/Mean High Temperature °FMean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/High/Percentile10th High Temperature °F10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/High/Percentile25th High Temperature °F25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/High/Percentile75th High Temperature °F75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/High/Percentile90th High Temperature °F90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/Low/Mean Low Temperature °FMean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/Low/Percentile10th Low Temperature °F10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/Low/Percentile25th Low Temperature °F25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/Low/Percentile75th Low Temperature °F75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/Low/Percentile90th Low Temperature °F90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Temperature/Mean Temperature °FDaily mean temperature
PerceivedTemperature/High Perceived Temperature °FMean daily low
PerceivedTemperature/Low Perceived Temperature °FMean daily high
CloudCover/Clear Cloud Cover %Percentage of the time spent categorized as clear (0% to 20%)
CloudCover/MostlyClear Cloud Cover %Percentage of the time spent categorized as mostly clear (20% to 40%)
CloudCover/PartlyCloudy Cloud Cover %Percentage of the time spent categorized as partly cloudy (40% to 60%)
CloudCover/MostlyCloudy Cloud Cover %Percentage of the time spent categorized as mostly cloudy (60% to 80%)
CloudCover/Overcast Cloud Cover %Percentage of the time spent categorized as overcast (80% to 100%)
Precipitation/Total Precipitation %Percentage probability of precipitation during the day
Precipitation/Rain Precipitation %Percentage probability of rain during the day
Precipitation/Mixed Precipitation %Percentage probability of mixed rain and snow during the day
Precipitation/Snow Precipitation %Percentage probability of snow during the day
Precipitation/Quantity/Mean Precipitation inMean daily quantity of precipitation
Rainfall/Mean Rainfall inMean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Rainfall/Percentile10th Rainfall in10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Rainfall/Percentile25th Rainfall in25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Rainfall/Percentile75th Rainfall in75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Rainfall/Percentile90th Rainfall in90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Snowfall/Mean Snowfall inMean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Snowfall/Percentile10th Snowfall in10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Snowfall/Percentile25th Snowfall in25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Snowfall/Percentile75th Snowfall in75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Snowfall/Percentile90th Snowfall in90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Snowfall/LiquidEquivalent/Mean Liquid-Equivalent Snowfall inMean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Snowfall/LiquidEquivalent/Percentile10th Liquid-Equivalent Snowfall in10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Snowfall/LiquidEquivalent/Percentile25th Liquid-Equivalent Snowfall in25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Snowfall/LiquidEquivalent/Percentile75th Liquid-Equivalent Snowfall in75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Snowfall/LiquidEquivalent/Percentile90th Liquid-Equivalent Snowfall in90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Sun/2025/PreviousSolarMidnight Sun hrSun reaches its lowest elevation below the horizon during the previous night
Sun/2025/AstronomicalRise Sun hrSun rises above 18 deg below the horizon
Sun/2025/NauticalRise Sun hrSun rises above 12 deg below the horizon
Sun/2025/CivilRise Sun hrSun rises above 6 deg below the horizon
Sun/2025/Rise Sun hrSun rises above the horizon
Sun/2025/Rise00 Sun hrSun rises above 0 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Rise10 Sun hrSun rises above 10 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Rise20 Sun hrSun rises above 20 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Rise30 Sun hrSun rises above 30 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Rise40 Sun hrSun rises above 40 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Rise50 Sun hrSun rises above 50 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Rise60 Sun hrSun rises above 60 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Rise70 Sun hrSun rises above 70 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Rise80 Sun hrSun rises above 80 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Noon Sun hrSun reaches its highest elevation above the horizon of the day
Sun/2025/Set80 Sun hrSun falls below 80 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Set70 Sun hrSun falls below 70 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Set60 Sun hrSun falls below 60 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Set50 Sun hrSun falls below 50 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Set40 Sun hrSun falls below 40 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Set30 Sun hrSun falls below 30 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Set20 Sun hrSun falls below 20 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Set10 Sun hrSun falls below 10 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Set00 Sun hrSun falls below 0 deg above the horizon
Sun/2025/Set Sun hrSun falls below the horizon
Sun/2025/CivilSet Sun hrSun falls below 6 deg below horizon
Sun/2025/NauticalSet Sun hrSun falls below 12 deg below horizon
Sun/2025/AstronomicalSet Sun hrSun falls below 18 deg below horizon
Sun/2025/NextSolarMidnight Sun hrSun reaches its lowest elevation below the horizon during the next night
Daylight/2025/Day Sun hrDuration between sun rise and sun set
Daylight/2025/CivilDay Sun hrDuration between civil rise and civil set
Daylight/2025/NauticalDay Sun hrDuration between nautical rise and nautical set
Daylight/2025/AstronomicalDay Sun hrDuration between astronomical rise and astronomical set
Humidity/Dry Dew Point %Percentage of the time spent categorized as dry (32°F to 55°F)
Humidity/Comfortable Dew Point %Percentage of the time spent categorized as comfortable (55°F to 60°F)
Humidity/Humid Dew Point %Percentage of the time spent categorized as humid (60°F to 65°F)
Humidity/Muggy Dew Point %Percentage of the time spent categorized as muggy (65°F to 70°F)
Humidity/Oppressive Dew Point %Percentage of the time spent categorized as oppressive (70°F to 75°F)
Humidity/Miserable Dew Point %Percentage of the time spent categorized as miserable (75°F to 32°F)
Wind/Speed/Mean Wind Speed mphMean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Wind/Speed/Percentile10th Wind Speed mph10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Wind/Speed/Percentile25th Wind Speed mph25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Wind/Speed/Percentile75th Wind Speed mph75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Wind/Speed/Percentile90th Wind Speed mph90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/Calm Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind calm
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/N Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north (-45.0 deg to 45.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/E Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the east (45.0 deg to 135.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/S Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south (135.0 deg to 225.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Cardinal/W Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the west (225.0 deg to 315.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/Calm Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind calm
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/N Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north (-22.5 deg to 22.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/NE Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the northeast (22.5 deg to 67.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/E Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the east (67.5 deg to 112.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/SE Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the southeast (112.5 deg to 157.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/S Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south (157.5 deg to 202.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/SW Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the southwest (202.5 deg to 247.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/W Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the west (247.5 deg to 292.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Ordinal/NW Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the northwest (292.5 deg to 337.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/Calm Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind calm
Wind/Direction/Display/N8 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north (-22.5 deg to 22.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/NE8PartOfN4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north east by north (22.5 deg to 45.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/NE8PartOfE4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north east by east (45.0 deg to 67.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/E8 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the east (67.5 deg to 112.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/SE8PartOfE4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south east by east (112.5 deg to 135.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/SE8PartOfS4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south east by south (135.0 deg to 157.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/S8 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south (157.5 deg to 202.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/SW8PartOfS4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south west by south (202.5 deg to 225.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/SW8PartOfW4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the south west by west (225.0 deg to 247.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/W8 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the west (247.5 deg to 292.5 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/NW8PartOfW4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north west by west (292.5 deg to 315.0 deg)
Wind/Direction/Display/NW8PartOfN4 Wind Direction %Percentage of the time spent with the wind out of the north west by north (315.0 deg to 337.5 deg)
WaterTemperature/Mean Water Temperature °FMean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
WaterTemperature/Percentile10th Water Temperature °F10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
WaterTemperature/Percentile25th Water Temperature °F25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
WaterTemperature/Percentile75th Water Temperature °F75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
WaterTemperature/Percentile90th Water Temperature °F90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
BestTime/TemperatureTourismScore Tourism Score Tourism temperature score favoring perceived temperatures between 65°F and 80°F
BestTime/TemperatureBeachScore Tourism Score Beach temperature score favoring perceived temperatures between 75°F and 90°F
BestTime/CloudScore Tourism Score Tourism cloud score favoring clear days or mostly clear days
BestTime/PrecipitationScore Tourism Score Tourism precipitation score favoring rainless days
BestTime/TourismScore Tourism Score Composite tourism score
BestTime/BeachScore Tourism Score Composite beach score
GrowingSeasonProbability Growing Season %Probability that a given day will be within the growing season
Temperature/Frigid Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as frigid (less than 15°F)
Temperature/Freezing Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as freezing (15°F to 32°F)
Temperature/Chilly Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as very cold (32°F to 45°F)
Temperature/Cold Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as cold (45°F to 55°F)
Temperature/Cool Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as cool (55°F to 65°F)
Temperature/Comfortable Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as comfortable (65°F to 75°F)
Temperature/Warm Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as warm (75°F to 85°F)
Temperature/Hot Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as hot (85°F to 95°F)
Temperature/Sweltering Temperature %Percentage of the time spent categorized as sweltering (greater than 95°F)
GrowingDegreeDays/Mean Growing Degree Days °FMean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
GrowingDegreeDays/Percentile10th Growing Degree Days °F10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
GrowingDegreeDays/Percentile25th Growing Degree Days °F25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
GrowingDegreeDays/Percentile75th Growing Degree Days °F75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
GrowingDegreeDays/Percentile90th Growing Degree Days °F90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
SolarEnergy/Mean Solar Energy kWhMean of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
SolarEnergy/Percentile10th Solar Energy kWh10th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
SolarEnergy/Percentile25th Solar Energy kWh25th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
SolarEnergy/Percentile75th Solar Energy kWh75th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period
SolarEnergy/Percentile90th Solar Energy kWh90th percentile of this field during this interval over the years of the climate period

Monthly Averages

Temperature/High/Mean Temperature °FMean of daily high temperatures
Temperature/Low/Mean Temperature °FMean of daily low temperatures
Temperature/Mean Temperature °FMean temperature
CloudCover/Cloudy Cloud Cover %Mean percentage of time spent categorized as overcast or mostly cloudy
Precipitation/RainDays Precipitation dayRain days per month
Precipitation/SnowDays Precipitation daySnow days per month
Precipitation/MixedDays Precipitation dayMixed rain and snow days per month
Precipitation/TotalDays Precipitation dayWet days per month
Precipitation/Quantity/Mean Precipitation inMean quantity of liquid or liquid-equivalent precipitation
Rainfall/Mean Precipitation inMean quantity of rainfall
Snowfall/Mean Precipitation inMean quantity of snowfall
Daylight/2025/Mean Sun hrMean daily hours of daylight
Humidity/MuggyDays Dew Point dayMean number of days where conditions are categorized as humid or more than humid
Wind/Speed/Mean Wind Speed mphMean wind speed
WaterTemperature/Mean Water Temperature °FMean water temperature
SolarEnergy/Mean Solar Energy kWhMean daily solar energy

Observable Fields

TemperatureAir temperature two meters above an open field
Low TemperatureDaily low air temperature two meters above an open field
High TemperatureDaily high air temperature two meters above an open field
Dew PointDew point two meters above an open field
Perceived TemperatureWind chill or heat index, handing off between 40°F and 50°F
Water TemperatureWide-area surface water temperature
Cloud CoverPercentage of the dome of the sky covered by clouds
PrecipitationPrecipitation greater than a trace amount (0.01 in per hour or 0.04 in per day)
RainfallRainfall greater than a trace amount (0.01 in per hour or 0.04 in per day)
SnowfallSnowfall greater than a trace liquid-equivalent amount (0.01 in per hour or 0.04 in per day)
Liquid-Equivalent SnowfallLiquid-equivalent snowfall greater than a trace amount (0.01 in per hour or 0.04 in per day)
Wind SpeedWide-area vector average of the wind speed 10 meters above the ground
Wind DirectionWide-area vector average wind direction 10 meters above the ground
Solar EnergyWide-area incident shortwave solar energy reaching the surface of the ground
SunCharacteristics of the solar day, all based on the center of the disk of the sun
Tourism ScoreComposite scores characterizing how pleasant the weather is on average
Growing SeasonLongest continuous period of non-freezing temperatures in the year
Growing Degree DaysGrowing degree days with a base of 50°F and a cap of 86°F